Source code for fixedrec.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Utility functions.
from collections import OrderedDict
from .bsd_checksum import bsd_checksum  # make name available from this module

[docs]def n_(s, replacement='_'): """Make binary fields more readable. """ if isinstance(s, (str, unicode, bytearray)): return s.replace('\0', replacement) return s
[docs]def split_string(s, *ndxs): """String sub-class with a split() method that splits a given indexes. Usage: >>> print split_string('D2008022002', 1, 5, 7, 9) ['D', '2008', '02', '20', '02'] """ if len(ndxs) == 0: return [s] if len(ndxs) == 1: i = ndxs[0] return [s[:i], s[i:]] res = [] b = 0 while ndxs: a, b, ndxs = b, ndxs[0], ndxs[1:] res.append(s[a:b]) res.append(s[b:]) return res
[docs]def split_fields(s, sizes): """Split a string into fields based on field `sizes`. """ slen = len(s) if None in sizes: nonesize = slen - sum(v for v in sizes if v is not None) sizes = [v or nonesize for v in sizes] ndxs = [sizes[0]] cur = 1 while cur < len(sizes) - 1: ndxs.append(ndxs[-1] + sizes[cur]) cur += 1 return split_string(s, *ndxs)
[docs]class pset(OrderedDict): """A property set is an OrderedDict with prettier string display (useful when working with record lengths that are wider than your terminal). """ def __repr__(self): return '{%s}' % ', '.join('%s: %r' % (str(k), str(v)) for k,v in self.items()) def __str__(self): return "{\n%s\n}" % ',\n'.join(' %s: %r' % (str(k), str(v)) for k,v in self.items())
[docs]def pad(data, size, padchar=' '): """Pad the `data` to exactly length = `size`. """ if len(data) > size: raise ValueError("Data is longer than size, cannot pad.") if len(data) == size: return data return data + padchar * (size - len(data))